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Thanks for taking the time and playing my game :) Happy to hear that you enjoyed it :)


Awesome game. Its amazing what you accomplished in the short amount of time. Props to you and hope to see more games from you in the future. The fog at the cemetery really gave off silent hill vibes and I loved that. 

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks :)


That was really well done. I loved the atmosphere and the message.

Thank you very much :)


Interesting game, you really manage to make the story come out of left field. The red herring with the power station really made me think the game was going to go in a different direction. Loved the scene of the powerlines at the end of the game.

Thank you for playing the game :)


Nice job! You subverted my expectations with the plot and it was fairly creepy and unnerving a few times. It also lasted about as long as it needed to.

If I could point to two things to adjust for future games: Please let the player skip over dialogue, because it was a little tedious to have to sit there and wait for it on a replay. Which leads to number two: the reason I had to replay was a bug right at the end of the game that soft locked it and made me go back and re-do the entire game to see the ending.

Good work on this one though, you have a good core idea for a game here and you definitely surprised me with the story. Hope you keep on making games!

(3 edits)

Sorry for the bug with the portal. I have no idea what could cause that... Will try to find the solution. Definitely will change the last sentence :D Ohh I don't know what I was doing but I absolutely overlooked it.

And the last thing about skipping the dialogues in the future games I will change the whole dialogue system to a better one. 

Thanks for playing the game I appreciate feedback and have a good day :)

EDIT: Yeah.. I found what was causing the bug with the portal.. I am gonna fix it and update the game. Thanks again :) 


love your game thank you :):):)

Happy to hear that :)